We recently supported one of our aged care clients completing accreditation, successfully exceeding all expectations. As an organisation we were excited for this audit as we’ve worked hard with all of our providers to ensure our allied health program addressed changes that happened with the implementation of AN-ACC.
Heading into the accreditation one of our dedicated area managers provided one on one training with our on-site clinicians whilst our quality assurance team completed an in-depth audit of all our documentation and collateral.
Feedback from our client
The recent review and subsequent full accreditation of the Bankstown site attests to how timely and knowledgeable support from the Golden Age wider team – plus good teamwork and communication with facility staff and management – are key in passing this critical review.

Catherine working with our residents
If your organisation would like a review of your allied health program (Physiotherapy/Podiatry/Occupational Therapy/ Speech Pathology/ Dietetics) or support for Aged Care Accreditation reach out to our friendly team at enquiries@goldenage.com.au or +61 8355 1616.